Shipex App
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OLD warehouse in the UK will remain open until 13.10.24
OLD warehouse in the UK will remain open until 13.10.24

General terms and conditions

Bonus system and special rates.

Legal entities will have a special rate.

For customers with the status of Premium service "Home delivery" is free. 


Guarantee delivery time.  Bonus* in the amount of 5% (for Premium status customers 10%) for each working day of the parcel delay after the 10th working day from the day the parcel received in warehouse in the USA, the 14th working day from UK and Greece. 

*There is no time guarantee if you activate parcel stop service.

*During an epidemic, bonus points may not be counted for late delivery.

Weight guarantee.We will provide fivefold bonus for every mistake, and it will be tenfold bonus for Premium customers.

* Bonuses are provided on the basis of a client’s request (not more than 50% of the shipping cost)

The process of acceptance of goods in a foreign warehouse.

When the data of one of the Shipex personal addresses is given to the customer of warehouse in USA, he is obliged to send his package to the mentioned address.

All the provided information must be visible on the parcel, in the addressee section. In case of its absence or incompleteness, we are not responsible for not accepting the parcel, identification and late delivery or no delivery. Acceptance of the parcel is carried out within 1 working day from the moment it is delivered to our warehouse in USA. It is identified and entered in our Shipex system by our employees at the warehouse, after which certain information is given to the addressee about the latter including tracking number, recipients in RA, the time of receipt, the weight and value of the package.

Parcel transportation.

After accepting and registering your parcel, we organize its delivery RA. The period of transportation from acceptance at a foreign warehouse to reaching RA is implementing according to the schedule.  

Shipping from the international warehouse to RA is carried out approximately from 6 to 10 working days. It is possible that these terms can be violated for various reasons: depending on a season, etc. In case of breaking the terms, Shipex, in its own discretion, can provide full or partial reimbursement for it. The latter is caused by delaying. The customer has the right to make a claim to Shipex related to the delay of his parcel. However, the delay caused by the aforementioned cases is resolved at Shipex's discretion and the costumer is obliged to accept instead of disapproving it.

Anyway, in case of appealing the decision, the customer is obliged to cover the expenses related to the process and outcomes of the disapproval (including state duties, advocacy and other expenses).

Counting the weight.

For air delivery to RA the weight is rounded up to 100 grams accurately, starting at 5 grams.

Calculation of non-standard (dimensional*) cases.

The parcels are considered dimensional which width, length and height's sum is exceeding 150 sm, and volume weight is bigger 2 times and more from real weight.                                                     

In this case, the calculation of the cost of the parcels is made with the volume weight (length (sm) x width (sm) x height (sm) / 6000). There is a special reduced cost` 4000 AMD.                                              

*The delivery cost is subjected to recalculation after coming to the ShipEx center.


Your order will be repackaged in our US warehous if it’s necessary, in order to reduce the weight meanwhile maintaining the parcel safety standards. We do not do additional safe packaging at the warehouse, that’s why it is necessary to arrange repacking of your order in advance.


- In case the price of the goods (invoice price) or the price for recovering the damage exceeds the amount of compensation of 20,000 (twenty thousand) AMD, the Customer has the right to demand and receive full refund of the price of the goods (invoice price) or of the damage recovery of the goods only if he has paid the security fee as prescribed by this Agreement.The insurance of the order and the expenses arising therefrom are carried out by the Customer at his/her will and at his/her own expense. Under no circumstances is the Company responsible for the organization of the transportation of easily damaged goods (glass, porcelain, etc.), the packaging of which, irrespective of the type of packaging, such as boxes, cases, etc. has not been obviously harmed during the organization of the shipment and there is no apparent causal link between the external damage and the damaged Product.

 - service users have the right to submit a written request (complaint*) to Company, including the demand for compensation of actual damage caused in case of loss of the order.

 * In case of non-delivery or damage or loss of the Orders a written complaint is submitted to Company within 30 calendar days, from the date of the shipment of Orders or from the deadline of the handover. Moreover, if two bases for the period calculation are available the expiration date is considered the latest date.

- In all cases, Shipex is not responsible for any hidden defects or damages of the goods, nor for external damage to the goods if the package/box was not damaged during the transportation or if there is no causal relationship between the damage to the package/ box and the external damage.

- In case of an order worth more than 500 USD or more, insurance* is mandatory for the Client.

* The Client shall make the choice and related expenses of the Insurer at his/her will and at his/her own expense.

In case of failure to insure the Order worth 500 USD or more, the Customer has no right to submit any claim to the Company for loss or damage of the Order. In this case, the liability of the Company may be exercised only in the event of a causal link between the Company's unlawful conduct, damages, damages and unlawful conduct, and the existence of a fault by a legally valid judicial act. In this case the loss or damage of the order shall be reimbursed in the manner prescribed by these terms and/or the RA Civil Code.

- The client is obliged to receive the cargo transported to Armenia, and in case of refusal the Customer must pay the full cost of freight transportation to Shipex within a week.

 - You are required to insure the integrity of the Order upon receipt of the Order. The Company is not liable for any defects or shortcomings that may arise after the receipt of the order, and have not been mentioned upon the receipt of the order.

Arrival of the parcel.

After arriving the parcel to RA customer receives a notification on e-mail that his parcel is in cervice center at Shipex. The client can go to the Shipex service center (at 54 Mashtots street) and receive the parcel also can order delivery to the house or to another address*.

*Legal entities' parcels are given to the custom terminal for preservation (clearance of parcels is made by a customer).

If 48 hours of the parcel, remaining in the custom terminal, ends, thus the customer must pay backup and deposit payments determined by the custom terminal according to the written invoice by ShipEx.

Order of parcel receipt *.

The addressee chooses the most suitable address from Shipex.am in order to receive his (her) parcel. Upon arrival of the parcel, the message "Ready to receive" is mentioned on the appropriate section of the addressee's personal account. The customer can approach one of the nearest Shipex offices to get the parcel or order the item through home delivery or write another address in the mentioned section.

After arrival of the parcels to SHIPEX service center the customers have to pay for delivery within 30 days.

If the customer didn't bring his parcel during 8 mounths, the company can confiscate  parcel.

* When a customer is registered at Shipex.am as a business customer (legal entity), his/her parcels are subjected to customs clearance.Customs clearance processes are organized by the business customer (legal entity).

Return of purchases from Armenia to the USA, Conditions and tariffs*.

Time of delivery. 10-20 working days to our warehouse in the USA, Delaware (in case of delivery of another address, shipping time within the US will also increase)

Rate. 6000 AMD/kg + fixed price 2000 AMD. 

Weight calculation. The weight is rounding up with a precision of 0.5 kg, minimum 1 kg. the maximum weight of the actual and dimensional is chosen. 20% discount for Premium status.

*Return Label is also required, in case of its absence the price for delivery in the US is added. 

*If the shipping time delays, the company is responsible for no more than 50% of the delivery service cost.

Delivery of parcels to the regions.

Delivery of parcels to the regions is carried out within 2-3 working days. You can receive your parcel from the nearest branch of the Hay Post, after receive a notification about the delivery.


The site provides customer's privacy protection. If you require information for identification, be sure that it will be used exclusively in accordance with the document of the privacy policy. When the foreign warehouse receives, scans and identifies a parcel, Shipex is responsible for the loss or damage of the parcel from that moment.