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Affordable delivery from Greece to Armenia,100 grams/300 AMD
Affordable delivery from Greece to Armenia,100 grams/300 AMD

Privacy Policy

The privacy policy of Shipex.am (hereafter referred to as "Website") is defined by this document, terms and conditions, by the ways of collecting, using, maintaining and disclosing information collected from users.

This policy defines the order of the usability and protection of any information provided by you during using this website.

This "Privacy Policy" applies to all visitors, users and others (hereafter "Everyone", "User", "You" or "Yours") who use services of our website or have the right to use such services.

This Privacy Policy defines your legal rights and obligations arising from the usage of the services of our website. If you disagree with the terms defined in the Privacy Policy, you don’t have the right to use provided services on this website.

This Privacy Policy applies to websites, products, services and other available software tools by Shipex office (hereafter the "Company").

1. Personal Information Control.

In order to use full services of Shipex.am, it is necessary to be registered. You are required to register on the Website. Your personal information is collected only when you agree to provide them.

During registering on the website you provide us your name and email and contact details.

In addition to personal information, our servers may also receive information about your IP address, browser, type of the computer, technical data users, opportunities to be connected to the website, for example, the operating system, internet provider and other information.

Due to the listed information we gained, we have an opportunity to offer our customers more suitable services. At the time of registration we receive other provided information by you, such as your e-mail, password and etc.

You are required to register on the website. Your personal data is only collected when you agree to provide them. Registering on the website, you should provide us your e-mail address and contact information, for get an address and organizing customs processes, also passport data.

2. Using methods of given information.

We can use received information according to the following points:

- To support you while using the site, as well as to explore our website and improve our services

- To offer services and goods in the frames of your interests

- To satisfy your offers and questionnaires related to our services, products

- To fulfill our terms and conditions

3. If the User is under 18 years old

We don't allow anyone under 18 to register on Shipex.am, as well as we do not collect data from them. An exception may be for those ones who have gained fully functionality in the manner prescribed by law before the age of 18. As we do not have the ability to verify the authenticity and accuracy of users' information, that is why we are not eligible and responsible for the consequences of using our website and services by those who are under 18.

4. Data safety

The website ensures protection of your privacy. If the site requires certain information from you for your identification, you can be sure that it will be used exclusively in accordance with the document of privacy policy.

All the information provided by you is accumulated and stored on protected servers in a secure database. We are not eligible to provide your personal information to 3rd parties without getting your approval (except the cases prescribed by the Legislation).

We can make your data accessible only to those who cooperate with us to perform the services we provide, and improve their quality.

We hire other organizations and/or individuals to perform operations on your behalf, such as: replenishment and storage of orders; delivery; sending mail or e-mail letters, removing duplicate information from customer list, database analysis, providing marketing support, making payments through bank cards and clearing, serving customers. The listed persons may have access to the information they need to accomplish the above points. They are not eligible to use obtained information for other purposes.

5.Cookies։ About bookmarks of the internet browser.

Our website is eligible to use cookies in order to make our website more effective for a user. Cookies are adaptive text files that are stored in records. Through cookies the company collects data automatically about online activities of the users at shipex.am. Cookies can be instant (they are not saved during closing browser) and persistent (they are saved on user’s hard drive). Many browsers have functions to block cookies Many browsers have a function to blocks cookies, and a user can turn off the registration function of cookies in the appropriate section of the browser. But if you keep them turning on, you will support and help us to improve the productivity (comfort) and effectiveness of the website.

6. Acting Law and Jurisdiction.

Logging into our website and during using it, you agree that all issues related to visits and usages are regulated by the laws of the Republic of Armenia. In case of disputes, they are regulated and resolved by representatives of each party. If the parties cannot solve the issues, then disputes will be resolved by the RA legislation according to the prescribed manner.

7.Change in the Privacy Policy.

The Company is eligible to make changes in this Privacy Policy. In case of any changes in the Privacy Policy of Shipex.am, we will let you know by sending the notification on the email address you provided. After any changes in this Privacy Policy, if you use the services of the Company, it will mean that you accept the changes.


8. Termination or Rescission of the Contract 

 - You have the right to rescind the contract signed with the Company at any time, but after performing all your payment obligations to the Company. In case you have any overdue liabilities the contract cannot be considered rescinded.

 - For rescission of the contract and closing the current account on Shipex the Customer should submit an application about the rescission of the contract and closing the current account on Shipex via [email protected] or in the Office of the company stating the email registered in Shipex.

 - Submission of an application approves that the Customer refuses from the bonus available on the account and is familiar with the conditions of return of the positive balance of the amount.

 - The company has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract, if the customer with his actions spreads incorrect information concerning the services provided by the Company, trying to form a negative opinion about the Company among other subjects or in other cases, if the Company finds, that the Customer's actions harm or may harm the  Company's business reputation. In case the contract termination is based on this point all Bonuses of the Customer are nullified.


9. Data Deletion policy 

 - You have the right to demand Your personal data deletion via our contact form (https://shipex.am/en/contact-us), by mentioning "Data deletion request" in the Subject field on the form or via sending us an email to [email protected] with subject "Data deletion request"