Shipex App
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  • Can I make orders right after the registration?  

    Yes, you can. As soon as you confirm the registration form on your e-mail, you can use our services.

  • How can I get an individual shipping address for shopping in the USA?  

    Right after the registration, you will receive one of our USA individual addresses. It is necessary to fill an address according to a shipping method in the DELIVERY ADDRESS  section.

  • Is Shipex address postal?  

    The Shipex addresses  provided to you are not just postal addresses. These are the addresses of our offices and warehouses located in the United States, that, can be said, play the function of your virtual apartments where the goods are being delivered.

  • I have a problem signing into my personal account  

    The problem may be related to the Internet connection capabilit. We recommend you checking it out. There is possibility that Caps Lock keyboard is active and password is incorrectly entered.

    If after checking these steps you are still failing to log into your personal page, please, contact us through online chat. Our specialists will kindly guide you and solve the occurred problem.   

  • Can I shop from the stores not represented here?  

    Yes, you can also buy from other online stores. Enter your Shipex address  when you pay for your order. We will receive and ship your purchase.

  • Do I spend more money using Shipex services?  

    Just the opposite! When using our shipping service, you only save money. We offer the most affordable price of shipping sphere for international shipping service. You can find best-selling , best-in-one offers on the same page.

  • How to choose right size? 

    There are several scale sizes. In the links noted bellow you can find helpful tools to choose the right size for you.  
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  • Which are your service prices? 

    You can see the prices here. 

  • Which are the benefits of your services?  

    You save money and time using our services.

  • Are there any limitation on the quantity of delivery? 

    No, there aren't. You can order as much as you want and pay only for its actual weight.

  • Are the taxes and custom duties included in the price? 

    Our USA warehouses are located in the Delaware state, where the purchase tax is not charged. As for customs’ duties, they are not included in the price. Goods in the amount of up to 200,000AMD per month and up to 30 kilograms in Armenia are not subjected to customs clearance. The law is here: 

  • Are there any goods not objected to shipping.  

    There is a prohibited list of goods for international shipping used in the world. You can see the prohibited list of the goods for international shipping here.